When people separate, should one of the separating parties immediately change the beneficiary of an
The answer is “No”. If one party is paying child support for the children, he/she might want to consider keeping the insurance policy in...
My spouse is paying child support. What can I do to ensure that the support will continue to be paid
Section 34.4 of the Family Law Act says that if there is a court order about the support, this is binding on the estate, unless the court...
My spouse pays child support for our child. Can I ask him to contribute towards the expenses incurre
One can ask the other person to contribute towards the child’s activities. However, whether you could force them to contribute or not...
My spouse and I separated, and the children live with her. Should I pay child support to her for th
Child support is both a moral issue, and a legal issue. Someone has to pay for a child to have reasonable opportunities and to pay for...
In a Family Law matter, what is meant by “best interests of the child”?
Courts in Ontario resolve custody and access applications on the basis of what is known as the “best interests of the child”. The test is...
What does the term "access" mean in Family Law?
The term “access” in Family Law refers to the time the non-custodial parent has the child in his or her care. Access includes the right...
What does the term "custody" mean in family law?
There is no statutory definition of the term “custody”. Custody refers to the right and responsibility of a parent to make major...
Is custody of children the same as the sharing of the schedule for the children?
A. Yes B. No Correct answer: B Custody means that one or both parents, or another third-party such as the grandparents, will make...
What are the grounds of divorce in Canada?
The only ground for divorce in Canada is “breakdown of the marriage” as per the Divorce Act. A breakdown of the marriage can only be...
What are the grounds for challenging a Separation Agreement?
Section 56 of the Family Law Act sets out the most common grounds relied upon to set aside a Separation Agreement, in whole or in part....