What does the term “Undue Hardship” mean in payment of support amounts?
A Court in Ontario has the discretion to award an amount different from the Child Support Guideline Table amount if the Court finds that...
How can I change a Final Order of the Court in Ontario?
A Final Order under either the Divorce Act or the Family Law Act may be varied/changed if either parent can demonstrate a material change...
What are the factors that the Court sees in granting orders for retroactive child support?
A Court may order child support payable for a period preceding the commencement of an Application. The parents’ obligation to support...
How is the Hague Convention relevant in Custody and Access matters?
Canada is signatory to the Convention on the Civil Aspect of International Child Abduction (Hague Convention). The Hague Convention...
What does the term “Net Family Property” mean in Family Law?
The Family Law Act lays down a regime for division of property upon breakdown of marriage. The formula is designed to calculate the...
What does the term “Matrimonial Property” mean in Family Law?
Under the Family Law Act in Ontario, only married or formerly married spouses have rights to the matrimonial home. This includes same-sex...
I have been married two years. My parents want to help me and my spouse buy a house. They are going
According to the Family Law Act, the matrimonial home is treated as a special type of property. The rules governing the ownership of...
My spouse and I have been living together for two years and four months. If we separate, then will m
The obligation to provide support will depend on whether the parties are seen as spouses under the law. While married persons are...
As the person receiving child support, and also receiving employment insurance from the government,
Employment Insurance is included in calculating the ratio in which the special expenses should be paid. This job benefit is seen as...
I loaned my brother $10,000 about 14 months ago. He promised to pay some money back in one year, but
The Limitations Act of Ontario sets 2 years as the term for commencing a claim to recover a debt. Since the loan was made 14 months ago,...